–Intro to Photoshop–

Within this blog i will be telling you 5 tools of photoshop:

1. The Move Tool:

The move tool is one of if not the most important tool used within Photoshop it drags around the image you’ve selected

Image result for photoshop move tool

2. The Paint Tool

The paint tool is used to fill in images or items a different colour. The paint bucket can be altered into the gradient tool (which changes the gradient of the item you selected).

Image result for photoshop paint bucket

3. The lasso tool:

The lasso tool is a barbaric way of cutting something out of an image or design (the magic wand tool is easier).

4. The magic wand tool

The magic wand tool is a civilised and easy way to edit thing out of images or designs however it is not 100% accurate without proper tweeting and editing.

Image result for photoshop magic wand

5. The Zoom Tool

The zoom tool is how you zoom into your creation without making the creation big and out of frame.

Image result for photoshop zoom tool

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